|| Chapter 89 ||

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-Author's POV-

Madison was a very complex teen; no one could ever understand her. She was a puzzle, with pieces far too lost for anyone to find and complete. She was a mystery. She was adventure. She was deep and she was a soul now set free.

The teen awakes that morning, after finally forcing herself to sleep, with her parent's moans echoing and left behind into the night. She awoke with a sigh, the winter sunrays creeping into her bedroom, just like they always have. She never slept with the curtains closed; it was her way of keeping Christopher alive, like the warmth of the morning light.

"Mmm." She groans, rolling over to her side and yawning in the process. Her smile slowly creeps to the shape of her naturally pouty lips, sleepy eyes half opened, with a deep inhale of lavender lingering in the air.

She really did love this home.

It was almost like yesterday, when she entered those doors alongside the x-factor contestants. The first time she felt her heart melt, her soul liquefying into a puddle of liquid gold.

She really did love this home.

Maybe all this time of hoping and praying to finally meet her biological parents was worth it. Of course, she will always love Connor and Clara, they will always be her parents no matter what they have all endured. She wasn't the best daughter, she'd thought, I was always far too busy getting into trouble, trying to run free and faraway from everyone.

Now.. Now she never wanted to leave.

She loved Kimberley and Cheryl.

She loved her father, Jamie.

Her life was strange to most, but it was just her kind of perfect.

"MADISON!" Kimberley shouts, just outside her daughters' bedroom.

"A little louder, mother." Her voice cracks to life, "Lord knows we're the only fcuking ones miles away from the fcuking city." She mumbles under her breath.

"You know," The blonde lets herself in. "For someone that says she wanted to decorate today, you know, in case you forgot," Kimberley settles down on the edge of the bed, reaching out and stroking her daughters hair. "You sure are doing a hell of a job, princess." She winks, playfully.

"It's still early—"

"It's nearly noon," Kimberley raises an eyebrow, lowering her head down and whispering the last of her sentence. "You know, if your Mam wasn't the one who pushed you out of her kooka I'd think you were my daughter."

"Eh?" Madison pulls a face, "Kooka?" She snorts.

"Yeah.. Vagina if you wish to call it, I know you kids and your—"

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now