|| Chapter 176 ||

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Author's POV

Madison stirs in her sleep that late night, just realizing now she was back in her bed. She doesn't remember being carried up to her room, or how she even got up here. Her heavy eyes flutter opened, reading the time on her bedside table.


She sighs, she was wideawake and sleep was not going to find her during this early hour of the morning.

The sound of claws scratching her bedroom door gets her attention, she didn't have to think twice who it may be. She walks over to the large doors and opens them right up.


"Hey boy." She coos, earning kisses from him.

She giggles.

"You wanna go for a walkie?"

He jumps around in excitement.

Madison knew better.

She decides to stay on the premises, not wandering off like she usually does. "Come on." She scurries down the grand steps, wrapping her fuzzy robe around her.

Lotus catches up, his tongue hanging out in joy. Madison opens the back-garden doors, instantly getting him to bust out, running around like a pure lunatic.

It's cold, it always is during the early hours of the morning. She doesn't mind it, the chills erupting down her spine let her know she's still alive and this life she's currently living is her reality.

She settles down on the patio seats, sighing. There was a time when Madison loved nothing more than being left alone, having her own time and simply indulging in the peace and quiet. But ever since Cheryl and Kimberley have been in her life, her outlook has changed.

Madison loved her parents' company, she loved having a family. She couldn't remember a time where being around her loved ones was something she looked forward to. But here she was, wanting every minute with her parents. She was finally surrounded with good people, people who truly cared and loved her.

Everything was finally falling into place for her.


She hoped it would stay this way, she just wanted to finally be at peace with herself.

"Come on boy!" She whistles, Lotus returning with just the sound of her voice. "You're a good boy." She coos, seeing how much he's grown.

Madison returns into the home, feeling herself melt with the warm heat circulating throughout the mansion. She makes sure to put some food out for Lotus, along with fresh water before returning upstairs.

She stops outside her parents' bedroom before hesitating to go inside. She builds up the courage and ever so quietly opens the door and lets herself in, finding her parents wrapped up in each other with the duvet and their love keeping them warm.

She gently closes the door and tip-toes her way in.

Kimberley is first to wake up, obviously Madison wasn't being as quiet as she'd thought.

"Madz?" She rasps, opening her swollen eyes.

She looked a mess and that didn't go unnoticed by Madison, "You look like crap." Madison whispers, earning a light smile from her Mum.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now