|| Chapter 73 ||

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-Author's POV-

Kimberley sighs, settling back into the leather sofa. Her eyes relax, fixating to the opened windows set in her line of vision. The sun had slowly dipped into yesterday, leaving darkness to overshadow London.

She brings the lit cigarette back to her pouting lips, inhaling the toxic smoke throughout her lungs, loving the way it blazed down her throat, and scorched her flesh in gloom.

The sound of her phone rings, and vibrates to life.

Chezza 👑💘

She frowns, answering the call immediately.


"I don't know where she is," Cheryl begins, trouble sounding in her tone. "She said she was going to the skate park, I went there to get her – I went. I couldn't find her, I don't know what to do—"

"Babe—" Kimberley tries to interrupt her, failing over and over again.

"Someone's probably taken her, she's only so small—"

"Will you calm down!" She shouts, shutting the Geordie instantly. "What happened?" Kimberley asks, calmly.

"She said she was going to the park down the street." Cheryl speaks, breathing in deeply, hoping her heartbeat would ease and relax.

Kimberley's already on her feet; stubbing the fag out and rushing to the door.

"I'm coming—"

"What do you mean you're coming?! I'm not staying here—"

"We'll go look for her together."

Cheryl sighs softly, "Okay."


Madison giggles loudly, covering her mouth and muffling the noise back into her euphoric being. Jamie and herself lounge outside, siting side-by-side and absorbing the beautiful calm rippling water flowing soothingly.

The patio lights flicker in twinkling stars, placed around in churning circles. The fairy lights enhance the stars dotting overhead – it was a perfect moment.

The teens phone lies faced down beside her, unknowing of the never-ending phone calls being redialed repeatedly to her iPhone.

She giggles once more, "Is it my turns?"

"Sure is." Jamie chuckles, waiting for his daughter to tell a story.

"One time Chris and I found an injured bird, so we carefully took it back inside—"

"Oh I know where this is leading to." He chuckles, sitting up and catching the sparkle in his daughters green eyes.

"Trust me you don't—"

"You healed it back to life?"

"No," She giggles, shaking her head. "Apparently it was already healed, and as soon as we picked it up and took it inside, the damn thing started flapping its wings around the house."

They laugh, "Mum and Dad nearly threw us out on the streets."

He smiles, watching his little girl dissolve into fit of giggles. Jamie never knew what love was, but right here, right now, he was overwhelmed with love for the teenager he's made with Cheryl.

"So you and Chris," He takes her attention back, "You were pretty close?"

She giggles softly, the sound of her heartbeat thumps. "Close doesn't come close." The memories of her last day with Chris always washed over, taking her under and drowning the teen to the bottom of despair.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now