|| Chapter 179 ||

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The Beginning of The End

A few days had passed, Cheryl and the new additions to the Tweedy-Walsh Family were safely home. Cheryl was on bed rest, still recovering from bringing life into the world and Kimberley was a partner sent from heaven, caring for her wife and twins in such a way that it had Cheryl falling for her all over again. She'd known Kimberley to be caring and loving, but never seeing her in this light.

She smiles.

"What?" Kimberley smiles back, finally walking away from the two cribs standing center of their master bedroom and going over to her wife's side. "Did you need something?" She asks, softly.

Cheryl simply smiles, exhaustion still painted to her face. "No nothing," She rasps her voice back to life. "You're cute, you know that?"

Kimberley giggles, rolling her eyes bashfully. "You just take any opportunity to make fun of me."


Kimberley tuts, but soon smiles again. "Aren't they so cute?" She coos, "I could just eat them. They're so tiny. Little – tiny – humans."

They share a giggle.

It was early morning, the sun had just rose, spilling through their floor length windows, the light warm and gentle.

"They really are."

They sigh in unison. Taking in the moment.

"You think Maddy is awake?" Cheryl asks, missing the teen terribly.

Madison had distanced herself, not intentionally, but her sensitive tendencies had pushed her to it. She'd constantly find herself arguing mentally with herself, how'if they wanted you, they'd talk to you.'Or 'if they loved you, they'd want you.'It was an ongoing internal battle, trying to keep her exterior cool when all she wanted was her Mammy and Mummy. Now, she'd have to share.

But that was far from the truth.

Cheryl and Kimberley only seemed to adore and love the teen even more, all they could see was baby Madison, not the Teen standing before them.

"Should I wake her?" Kimberley asks, smiling.

Cheryl attempts to sit up, wincing slightly.

"What're you doing?" Kimberley sighs, already knowing what the Geordie had in mind. "You're not going to go over to her room." She sighs once more, "You can barely sit up let alone walk."

Cheryl tuts, "Will you keep your wig on," She huffs, sitting up with her wife's assistance. "I'm fine. I've been on bedrest for nearly a week now. I'm okay to walk on me own." She successfully stands to her feet, slowly, having a little trouble. But Cheryl was stubborn than ever, and she was over this whole 'bedrest arrangement'.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Kimberley asks, helping her wife to the door.

Cheryl raises both brows, letting her know she wanted to go alone.

Kimberley allows her to do as she pleased, knowing there was no getting through her Geordie brain.

Cheryl bites her lip, sluggishly making her way down the hallway and stopping at Madison's door. She doesn't knock, quietly letting herself in.

She's so adorable when she sleeps. Cheryl mentally whispers, resting her eyes on Madison sleeping soundlessly in her bed.

She walks over, forcing herself not to wince as she perches beside the sleeping teen.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now