|| Chapter 50 ||

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All my love,

ArtistWriter xx

-Author's POV-

Madison smiles at her new found family. A Nana who couldn't seem to leave her side, Aunt's, and an Uncle who have already fallen in love with her.

Her smile could only grow so wide.

The Tweedy and Walsh family sit out in the back garden, laughing and mingling with good humor. She's always been spoiled, always getting whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. But never - never has she been spoiled with love and affection.

This is love.

I never want to lose this feeling.

"Gotta get some food in ya," Joan brings the teen out of her little daydream. "Gaz pass us the chip plate-"

"I'm not hungry." Madison shakes her head in protest.

"Nonsense, you eat until I say you're full." This gets the table to roar with laughter.

"Typical Grandma." Amy comments, "She wont take no for an answer, don't even bother arguing with her." Madison nods, she smiles at the thought of getting fed until she couldn't stomach a single chip.

Nana and Papa never did this for me.

She ponders at the thought of her other family. They were always so prestige with everything they did. Healthy food was always made, salads, and organics were substituted for unnecessary junk.

I could get used to this.

"Eat, eat." Joan sets the plate down in front of the teen. Stacked and piled with an overflow of unhealthy food.

Madison breathes and begins to eat away the meal.

She mutes out the loud chatter, her eyes scanning out to spot Kimberley and Cheryl who have been playing away in the garden.

She frowns at the sight of the married couple running around with young Billy and Elaina.

Why didn't they ask me to come along? She questions their actions.

"I'm gonna get'cha," She hears Cheryl playful growl at the kids. "You better run." Her frown deepens.

Madison was never one to care about anyone's actions, and suddenly, she was growing jealous of her mothers giving someone else their attention. They were supposed to be giving her their time, and their love.

Her heart rate picks up, and now, she doesn't want to eat.

She stands to her feet.

"Where ya goin' pet?" Joan stops her granddaughter from taking another step.

"Just going to see Cheryl and Kimberley-"

"She's running away from you Joan," Sally says with a laugh, "You've had her glued to your side the moment you got here." A few laughs are shared.

"Oh would you lot pipe down." Joan scolds them, "I've just seen me granddaughter after fifteen years." She huffs.

"I wont be long." Madison smiles, her heart melts to the older woman's love for her.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now