|| Chapter 162 ||

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Happy holiday's everyone! I hope your presents were just as boujie as mine!



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Author's POV

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Author's POV

"Does it even matter if I get an education at this point?" Madison huffs, letting her Mam tie up her shoelaces, feeling like a child. "I can do that myself ya'no."

"Hush up." Cheryl shushes her daughter, her growing stomach making it difficult to do anything at this point.

Madison huffs once more, patting down her trousers and fixing her tucked in t-shirt. "So, this school," She starts, "What're the electives looking like?"

"You're not going to school for electives, Madison." Cheryl groans, standing up. "Do you think I look fat today?" She sighs, catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror.

"No, you look nice." Madison stands to her feet, patting her shirt down. "Why does school start so early?" She asks, this seemed to be the millionth question.

"It just is babe. Would you rather go later and come home later?"

"No." the Teen shakes her head, "So is homeschool the same as school - school?"

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now