|| Chapter 66 ||

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-Madison's POV-

I couldn't process the words that freely flew from this mans mouth.

I'm your father.

I'm your father.

It's almost as if Mr – what's his face Blackwood had been practicing that sentence every night, day, and any chance he could possibly get.

Was he really my father?

As I tried to think of the right response, the only thing that seemed to fly out of my mouth was:

"You're pretty fcuking old," I scoffed.

Damn it Madison. I have always been one to never filter my thoughts, unable to keep the words locked in side.

"I'm not that old," He averts his eyes, catching his grey-haired reflection in the glassed window.

"So what was this then? Eh Emma?" I turn to her, noticing the quiet shell she's kept herself hidden behind. "Was this some kind of fcuking trick? Huh?" The anger inside of me was now bubbling over, spilling, and erupting past my lips. I could feel my cheeks flushing with pure and utter fury.

"No.. That's not—"

"Fcuk you!" I grit, "I was this fcuking close to actually trusting you," My fingers rise up to her line of vision, showing the uncomfortable woman just how close I was to giving the trust card.

"You're just like her you know—"

"Fcuk you, you don't get to compare me to anyone—" I cut Jamie off, looking him dead in the eyes. His green orbs reflect my own, and I could see a few similar features we shared.

"Would you get that temper under control," He sighs, standing to his feet and fixing that god awful tight jumper.

"What are you seventy?" He laughs loudly.

"Em, do you mind leaving us alone for a minute—"

"What makes you think I'm staying here for another fcuking second!" I go to storm out, but his masculine hands grab a hold of me, instantly stopping me. I squirm and release a few screams, but it's no use, he's locked me in his firm arms.

"Watch my fcuking wrist - Fcuk you Emma!" I shout, watching her walk out of the studio and shut the clear glass door behind her.

"Are you going to listen—"

"Fcuk you too! Fcuking grandpa." I mumble, hissing my words in breathless pants.

He sighs, wobbling us over to a sofa, and practically throwing me right on.

I shuffle around, sliding myself to one end, and Jamie perching on the other end.

"The second I saw Cheryl's announcement I tried everything to figure out how to get you here," He begins, I take no interest in what he's saying, keeping my eyes gazed off to the distance. "I knew you'd be stubborn like her, and no way in hell would you come here with a call or a letter.. Or anything else but the way I planned it with Emma—"

"I don't give a sh*t about your story! I already know everything there is to know about you—"

"What has Cheryl said about me?" He raises an eyebrow, "Hm? Has she drawn me out to be the bad guy?" He chuckles dryly, "I'm sure that's exactly what she fcuking did." I can hear he's upset, taking notice of the once sparkling green eyes turning dark.

"It doesn't matter what she's said," I groan, running my fingers through my hair. I'm frustrated with the way my life has been rolling out, everything is a mess, and this is the cherry on the fcuking cake.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now