|| Chapter 130 ||

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Madison's POV

I couldn't control my behavior, it's almost as if I went into shutdown mode. I tried to enjoy my time, although I wasn't. Everyone was believing my smiles, laughs and giggles... even if they were far from real. I kept replaying moments of myself acting up, throwing fits and ruining the peace between Mum and Mam, I was ruining their happy bubble. I didn't realize it until now. I was baggage.

I really was.

"Favorite time of the day." Aunty Amy walks through, yawning and sits herself down on the large breakfast table we were all sharing.

"You're just a fat ass, Aymz." Uncle Adam winks, grabbing a piece of toast and throwing it at her.

"Watch it man!" She huffs, rolling her eyes and eating the thrown toast nonetheless.

I smile, eating my eggs and avocado peacefully.

"Hey Madz," Uncle Adam gets my attention, "You want to go boating today—"

I go to reply but Mam walks in and cuts me right off, "You want a death sentence boy?!"

"We're on holiday you seriously not going to let her go boating!?" He argues.

I remain silent.

"Boating accidents happen." She says end of, taking the empty seat beside me. "Don't want anything happening to me baby." Mam says, giving me a sweet kiss to the side of my head.

"Oh stop before I throw up." He jokingly makes gagging noises.

Mum gives him a smack on the back of the head, just as she comes strolling through.

"Hey!" He winces, rubbing the back of his head. "Stop with the bullying!"

"Stop with the talking." Mum shoots back, taking the seat beside me as well, both Mam and Mum sitting on either side of me at this point. I felt like I had to watch what I was doing, what I would say. I've never felt this way. I was always so collected, so loud and out of control.

"Watcha eatin'?" Mam asks, sitting back in her seat and wrapping an arm around me.

"Just avocado and, and eggs." I stutter, finishing the last of it.

I go to stand but Mum stops me, "Where you off to?"

"I wanted to go down to the beach."

"You're not going alone; we'll all go together after everyone's had their meal."

I didn't want to argue, I listened and sat down.

"Where is everyone anyways?" Mam asks, sipping her coffee.

"Both Mum and Joan went off to some spa thing and Sally said she'd join us later because the kids are giving her a hard time."

"So it's just us for the day?" Mum asks.

"Sure is. I was thinking we could go boating."

"Oo." Mum looks at me, "You wanna?"

"No boating will be allowed." Mam cuts in, "Why can't we just sit at the beach like normal people?"

"Because we are not normal people." Mum rolls her eyes, I giggle, genuinely for the first time.

"Don't go egging her on." Mam warns me, "She likes a crowed."

Mum laughs, chuckling into her cup of coffee. "God I love my wife."

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now