|| Chapter 141 ||

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Morning had come, creeping through Madison's bedroom windows, the sound of her phone vibrating awakens her instantly. She rolls over, squinting her eyes as she slowly rouses.

"Ouch." She groans, the pain in her left cheek remains, forcing herself not to cry from the excruciating pain.

Her phone vibrates once more.

This time she answers, "Hello?" Her voice croaks to life.

"Maddy!" Laurens voice blares. "Are you up?"

"No, I'm down."

"Okay I'm coming to pick you up—"

"Lauren I—"

"Be ready! Bye!"

Madison groans as the call comes to an end, noticing the time was only nine in the morning. She shuffles out of bed and makes her way over to the ensuite, instantly gasping as she takes in her reflection.

"Fcuking b*tch!" She grits, storming out of the bedroom and kicking her parents' bedroom door opened. "Look what you fcuking did!" She snaps, pointing at her bruised left cheek.

Cheryl is startled awake, mouth falling opened to the sight of her daughter.

"Sweets, I—"

"Don't you e-ever talk to me a-again." She sobs her last word, returning to her bedroom and slamming the door shut. Tears coming down her cheeks, completely broken.

Cheryl knocks on her door repeatedly.

"Leave me alone!" Madison shouts from the bathroom, washing her face delicately. She needed to get ready before Lauren came around and figure out how to cover this bruise on her face. Every so gently she begins to apply her makeup, trying to cover the mess. Thankfully the coverage worked, putting her heart and mind at ease.

"Maddy, sweets, please open." Cheryl pleads at the door, but the Teen was stubborn, upset and angry with her Mam, so she ignores. She gets dressed quickly, hair in messy natural soft waves, just the way she liked it.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now