|| Chapter 173 ||

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

"Maddy?" Cheryl whispers, bringing the teen out of her deep dream world. "Maddy." She repeats.

"Mm?" Madison hums, her eyes remain sealed shut.

"Me arms gone numb, could you just move a bit?" Cheryl continues with her whispers.

Madison groans, moving off her Mam and over to the cold side of the bed.

Cheryl sighs, although smiling at her daughter's clingy behavior. Their relationship was unique most would say, their arguing had seemed to disappear and the love was always there. Cheryl climbs out of bed, groaning all while. She shuffles her way to the bathroom, needing to relieve herself from her recent weak bladder.

She doesn't bother to check the time, already knowing Kimberley wasn't coming. Sleep had disappeared, so she settles to heading downstairs, pouring herself a chilled cup of cranberry juice and building the courage to check her phone.

She sighs to the endless notifications from Kimberley.

'Baby, listen. It has nothing to do with you, you're amazing. I'm just going through some things right now.'

She rolls her eyes.

'Please take care of yourself. I will be back home soon. I promise.'

Another eye roll.

She hovers her fingers over the keyboard, ready to reply.

'Eat a d*ck Kimberley. I'm not sitting around here waiting for you. If you cared to be here then you would be here.'

She hits send.

Incoming call

She's surprised to see Kimberley calling her. She answers nonetheless.

"What?" She huffs.


"What do you want, Kimberley?"

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now