|| Chapter 76 ||

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-Madison's POV-


A feeling I haven't felt in such a long time, the feeling of love mixing with old scars, healing them completely.. It was addicting. Each and every morning I wake up with a smile, it lasts to my expression throughout the day; it's been a while since I've genuinely smiled.

Christopher comes to mind.

My brother.

My heart.

My soul.

I've accepted his death, with Mam's words fixing to the back of my mind. An angel lives in thought, an angel forever resting in my heart.

I groan, waking up this morning with a smile. The sunrays stream through, seeping warmth within the massive duvet currently drowning me into bed. I mentally imagine the bedroom surrounded by windows, a skylight pouring more sunshine through.

I sigh. Missing my old bedroom.

Shaking the thought away, I slide out of bed and tiptoe around the large room. I did love the expansive space, giving me my own privacy that I loved more than anything.

The sunshine beaming outside gives me hope that today will play out well, a positive vibrancy glows throughout my entire bedroom. I take time on myself this morning, bathing with the curtains fully opened, soft music swaying throughout my large ensuite.

I needed time on myself this morning, and time was going to be given.

Mentally and emotionally.


-Author's POV-

Madison didn't want to confess it; she didn't want to let Cheryl and Kimberley know that she was hoping for her day to be spent with Jamie. They did leave on a chaotic note, the rush of her heart and desire to get home was all that was left for Jamie, and the teen was hoping to change that today.

Madison shifts her eyes, forcing them back down to her overfilled breakfast plate.

"What's up with you this morning?" Kimberley asks, chewing the last of her toast and avocado.

"Hm?" The teen looks up, putting her best smile on.

"I said what's up with you? You've not said a single word - apart from a good morning."

She shrugs, "M'fine."

"Are we starting that again?" Cheryl smiles softly, hoping it would shed some light into her daughter's gloomy orbs.

Madison sighs, placing her cutlery down.

"I want to see Jamie today."


Kimberley clears her throat, "Are you asking or telling us?" She asks, putting the remaining of her toast down.

"Does it matter?" Madison folds her arms, giving her mother a cocked eyebrow.

"If this is your way talking us into getting your way, you're doing a pretty sh*t job at it." Kimberley and Madison bicker back and forth.

"I don't need to, I'm going to see my dad."

Cheryl frowns, "Okay that's enough." She cuts in, the frown still evident.

"You guys are annoying." The moody teen stands to her feet and exits the dinning room, leaving both Kimberley and Cheryl to sigh at her attitude.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now