|| Chapter 83 ||

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Author's POV

Kimberley impatiently whines, "Hurry." She groans, reattaching her lips to Cheryl's neck. "Mmm." She sucks down onto the perfume-scented skin.

"Will you – mm – right there." Cheryl moans, falling back into her wife's touch. There they stood, the key limply held in the Geordie's hand, and Kimberley mounted behind Cheryl, lavishing the pulsing neck.

Cheryl snaps back to reality, "Kimba, wait." She groans, pushing the blonde back and finally opening the front door to their mansion.

"Finally," Kimberley grins, slamming the door shut. "Come here." She grasps her wife, crashing their lips together. They indulge in each other's taste, tongues colliding together in blissful magic.

"Fcuk," Kimberley grunts, grabbing at her wife's behind and yanking the mini dress up over the perky backside. "I love this," She teasingly bites down onto Cheryl's lower lip, her hands fondling the exposed bum.

"Mmm, lets go upstairs." The Geordie breathes, taking her wife's hand and forcing them to rush up the stairs and directly into the master bedroom.

Kimberley goes to tear off Cheryl's dress, but is stopped before any action is taken.


"You serious?" The blonde huffs "Come here—"

"I got something." Cheryl bites her lower lip, "Be patient for ten minutes—"

"You havin' a laugh?!" Kimberley's eyes nearly bulge out, "Wear it another time – come here."

"Kimba, please! I went shopping for it." Cheryl huffs, getting her wife to give in.

"Fine, I'll just get undressed – you better hurry!" She calls out, watching the Geordie quickly run to their walk-in-closet and slam the door loudly. She sighs, removing her clothing and climbing into bed completely naked.

Kimberley lies, crossing one leg over the other, fingers looping together as she waits impatiently for the brunette goddess to reaper.

"How long do you need?!" She shouts, getting no reply in return.

Her mind begins to wander as time ticks.


"Wait here." Cheryl pushes her girlfriend back.

"Wait, what, why?" Kimberley splutters, trying not to show her urgency.

The Geordie giggles, "Baby, just wait. I want our first time to be perfect.. Please?" She pouts.

Kimberley smiles, "Okay.. Yes, of course. I'll.. Just.. Wait here?" She controls her raging heart, concealing her flustered state with a smile.

Cheryl giggles once more, "Just make yourself comfortable on the bed." She smiles, giving the blonde a kiss to the cheek and walking over to the walk-in-closet.

"Okay." Kimberley sighs, watching her girlfriend close the closet door and leave her unaccompanied. She drags her feet, pouting moodily as she climbs onto the bed and waits for her girlfriends return.

Their first time seemed to fail one too many times. The first time they had attempted to take their relationship to the next level, Cheryl's state of mind went into overdrive, past memories took over her line of vision and the night was spent in tears. Sweet nothings were sounded from the blonde's lips, as were snug cuddles conveying warmth into the Geordie's fragile soul.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now