|| Chapter 120 ||

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Author's POV

Madison lies awake that night, scrolling through her phone. She was attempting endlessly to put the pieces together. She'd stare blankly at photos, zoning in and out, failingly forcing herself to remember the moments captured.

She sighs.

Her parents had carried her up to bed when she'd fallen sound asleep, finding herself in yet another unfamiliar setting. In a sense, she was scared, but thankfully Cheryl and Kimberley were thoughtful enough to keep her night light on.

She sighs.

Madison was always a brave soul, but she is yet to discover that part of her.

She sighs.

This time, she climbs out of bed. For a moment she stands still; the sound of her own heartbeat echoes.

Just breathe. She kept reminding herself with shaky hands. Her body and mind gradually begin to relax with each deep breath she took finding her feet working on their own, silently she wanders the large spacious room.

The scent was familiar, she found herself indulging in the scent of honey lavender.

She smiles, gently.

Picture frames placed in every corner her head would turn, hung on walls, set on tabletops.

Did I love them? She ponders, picking up a photo of her and her mothers, all smiling with love in their eyes.

Nothing would come to mind, nothing at all and it was slowly killing her inside. She felt the tears streaming down her cheeks but made no attempt to wipe them clean. She wanted to feel in this moment, she pleaded for the life she once lived to beat in her heart once more.

She retreats back to bed, crawling right in and crying herself to sleep that night. The once peaceful home filled with light and laughter, now conceals in gloom.


The following morning is awkward; The Tweedy-Walsh family sits in the dinning room, having breakfast in complete silence. The only sound to be heard is the clinking of their cutlery hitting the dishware.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now