|| Chapter 77 ||

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-Author's POV-

Kimberley grins, euphoric from their afternoon activities. She rolls over, finding her wife tapping away on her white iPhone.

"What're you doing?" She asks, shuffling closer and resting her head beside the Geordie.

"Just having a scroll through twitter."

"Rude." Kimberley gasps.

"What?" Cheryl giggles, glancing at her unimpressed wife. "Just reading some of me fans tweets—"

"Well," Kimberley begins, snatching the phone out of her hand. "Your biggest fan is right here and she wants some attention." She pouts adorably.

Cheryl giggles, allowing the blonde to drag her into a cuddle. She snuggles, placing a few kisses against Kimberley's exposed chest, loving the way her pink-fleshed nipples remain erect to her touch.

"Mmm," Kimberley groans. "Thank you for that by the way."

"You're welcome, give us a kiss." Cheryl puckers her lips, getting a lingering kiss in reply. She was finally putting their dispute behind them; their bond was too strong not to overcome any issue thrown their way.

They lie in bed, a sea of legs and arms tangled together in beautiful linking.

Cheryl yawns, stroking her wife's stomach. "Do you think she'll come home on time?" She asks, never stilling her fingers from tracing the delicate skin.

Kimberley gently rolls them over, desperately needing to look into her wife's eyes. She hovers over the smiling Geordie, lowering herself down and sealing their skin together.

"Do you seriously think she'll actually come in," The blonde glances over to the digital clock. "An hour time?"

Cheryl shrugs, reaching up and coiling her arms around her wife's neck.

"What do you want for your birthday?" She whispers, her fingers tickling the back of Kimberley's neck.

"You know I don't want anything," Kimberley smiles. "As cheesy as this might sound.. I've got you, and our moody teenage daughter – what more could I ask for?"

"Maybe an attitude change for Madison."

They share a giggle.

"Yeah, maybe that.. She's alright aint she?" Kimberley whispers, "I think she's just doing it for attention if I'm being honest."

Cheryl frowns, "What do you mean?"

"Well," The blonde begins, slotting her thighs between the Geordie's, finding a position comfortable for the both of them. "You know what teenagers are like.. They get moody, and have an attitude in hopes to get attention."

"But we give her more than enough attention."

"I know, but.. The thing is," Kimberley clears her throat, looking into the worried brown eyes. "She's been neglected in a sort of way, not really neglected.. But Connor and Clara weren't the best parents, were they?"

Cheryl sighs softly, "Yeah I guess that's true."

"Don't go all sad on me now." The blonde smiles; kissing her troubled wife. "I'm going to have a talk with her when she gets home."

"Do you think I should text her and remind her?"

"No," Kimberley shakes her head, stopping Cheryl from reaching for the iPhone. "Let her come on her own."

The Geordie sighs and gives in, "Fine."

"Now tell me something."


I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now